Welcome to

Highpoint Church

At Highpoint Church, we’re devoted to biblical teaching, heartfelt prayer, authentic worship, and living a Spirit-filled life.

Launching Fall 2025


10:00 am

Core Values

Sola Scriptura (Scripture alone): The Bible is the highest source of authority for Christians.

Sola Fide (Faith alone): Salvation is found through faith in Jesus Christ.

Sola Gratia (Grace alone): Salvation is a gift from God, not a result of human merit.

Solus Christus (Christ alone): Salvation is found in Christ alone.

Soli Deo Gloria (To the glory of God alone): Salvation is a work of God for His glory.

Come, let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, to the house of the God of Jacob, that he may teach us his ways and that we may walk in his paths.

(Isaiah 2:3)

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One of the most important things that The Gospel compels us to is generosity. Jesus did not withhold generosity at the cross and we respond by not withholding from Him.